
We Travel the World Working Together with Farmers

Penagos around the World, Colombia

Penagos’ commitment to Colombia has always been present since the creation of the Company. It is our home and we owe it gratitude for allowing us to reach all its municipalities, where the machines are part of the history of coffee growers, ranchers, farmers and all those who seek in Penagos the support of an innovative brand.

Penagos’ journey through Colombia has led us know every corner of our territory and to reaffirm our mission with the cultivators of the land: to contribute to the development of the countryside in order to become a source of sustainable progress in the country

Agricultural Machinery
Grass choppers, silage machines and Shredders have traveled all over Colombia. They have crossed rivers and mountains; they have been transported in trucks, boats and canoes to reach their destination. At Penagos we have set ourselves the goal of, regardless of the place, reaching every corner of the country, and in this way, bringing resistant machines to farmers that make life easier for our customers.
Coffee Processing Equipment


In Colombia there are more than 555,000 coffee-growing families in different regions of the country where the land is suitable for cultivation. At Penagos we manufacture environmentally friendly technologies for small, medium and large coffee growers, by fullfilling their needs for durable machines, with manufacturing qualities and the support of an experienced brand with a wide trajectory.

To date, we have installed more than 30 Coffee Processing Plants of all sizes around the country. They process coffees from cooperatives and coffee growers that are looking for compact and environmentally friendly equipments, since they reduce water consumption in pulping by 100%, with low power consumption and minimal required installation areas. Some of them are located in Antioquia, Santander, Risaralda, Cauca, Nariño, Quindío and Valle del Cauca.

Learn more about the Processing Plants that we have installed in Colombia and around the world, by clicking here.

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